Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Embarssing their grandkinds

Gay marriage is a beautiful thing and should be allowed to exist in as many places as possible. Period. End of discussion.

I cannot fathom how anyone could think to the contrary.

Gay marriage will not harm your marriage. Gay marriage will not lead to an explosion in pedophilia. Any arguments against gay marriage come from an ignorant (at best) to an outright bigoted (at worst) place, which, like all other forms of prejudice, evapourates the moment you fail to rationalize it.

Canada has had same sex marriage for nearly a decade. We lack the organized religious fundamentalists that the United States is unfortunately plagued with. To his credit Harper has not touched the issue because he would certainly lose, and decisively, though I have no confidence that he would if somehow it became possible to do so. However, public support alone resolutely ensures that Canada will remain proudly in the elite circle of nations that allow its homosexual citizens to enjoy the same status as its heterosexual ones.

Today is Chick-Fil-A appreciation day in the states, organized to support the fast food outlet who is under siege for donating to anti-same sex marriage organizations. There has been grumbling of booting the chain out of cities like Boston and Chicago, which I do not hope succeeds, as it is a massive overreaction that will backfire when similar powers falls into the hands of people that harbour even worse bigotry.

On Twitter mocking pictures have appeared of long lines at Chick Fil A by smug people who stand with the restaurant's stance. No doubt many harbour sincere beliefs that they are standing up for traditional marriage against decadent, out-of-touch elites, though more than a few are probably thinking that they just gave "the faggots" the middle finger.

Frankly, anti-gay marriage advocates sicken me. To intrude severley into the private lives of others, to denounce their relationship to the point of writing it into the constitution of a state and do it with a shit eating grin, explaining that marriage is about 'tradition' just makes me skin crawl. Anyone saying that they harbour no ill intentions against gay people while trying to ruin their lives is lying. I suppose it helps that the Abrahamic invisible man in the sky is on their side, thanks to assurances in the so-called good book.

Marriage has been an institution so mallable over human existence that arguing for a 'traditional defintion' is an excercise in futility. I doubt that the advocates of traditional, heterosexual marriage would want to go back to the days when 12-13 year old girls were married to men in the Fifties or older because her father pledged several goats so that some bearded patriarch to guarantee more children to use as instruments in furthering his family name. Marriage has been a tool for families to play games of thrones for centuries; its only been in, what, a hundred and fifty years or thereabouts since people were allowed to chose their mates because they actually loved them?

If we could transplant some great thinker from five centuries ago he would throw a fit at the immorality he would have seen: woman not taking their husbands name, intiating divorce and protesting when their husbands beat them. For shame! A woman not as the personal property of her husband!

Barack Obama "evolved" to the point where gay marriage will become a plank in the Democratic platform this election. Once elected, like everything else Obama has tried to do, it will be fiercely resisted. Stuck up congressmen from the South will moan and whine and I especially look forwards to Mitt Romney trying to spin his involvement in making gay marriage legal in Massachussetts to the saintly hoi polloi in the deep red states. The road of progress is a bumpy one but I'm confident that in ten to fifteen years---much to short for my liking---Americans from coast to coast will be able to get married to whoever they please.

Today, however, the bigots make their stand. Its discouraging to see. Granted, I live in Canada, but I do feel so for those trapped with this spiteful hate. 

Gay marriage is harmless and I wish all homosexuals who want to get married could do so. Gays only want what everyone else enjoys---full stop. End of discussion.

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