Monday, August 20, 2012

Yes, this happened

So. Rape does not get a woman pregnant. We have Tony Atkins, Republican (can you believe it?), of Missouri to thank for this relevation. If he wins in the forthcoming election I am both going to be very, very surprised and very, very sad. Anyone fleeing from this wacko can crash at my place.

So, what to say about it, except what hasn't already been said by people more skilled than me?

Its ignorant: it ignores a great deal about biology, revealing the depths of Atkin's knowledge about a crucial cultural issue.

Its disrespectful: I cannot for the life of me understand how so called pro lifers can wax lyrical about the poor little fetuses slaughtered by the evil abortionists, ignoring the fact having children is a major emotional, physical and economical investment. Demanding you carry the child of your rapist is inconcievable to me.

Its misogynistic: women can easily shield themselves from being raped, of course there is nothing similar being expected of men. This is just the tip of the iceberg as to the condescension rape victims recieve, and I am not going to elaborate on it because, frankly, I really don't want to feel bummed out right now.

You can say that a cretin such as Atkins will never get elected, but here's the thing: if someone as much of an ignoramus can get that far in politics, its not out of the question that he will be elected---yes, even on the strengths of his moronic arguments. Because of those very arguments, in fact.

It is a disturbing trend in American politics over the past twenty years that politics has been contaminated, in complete honesty, by willfull ignorance if not right out misinformation. I am hoping that Obama's 2008 election victory was a turning point against that, and his likely 2012 reelection will cement that, but given all the birther nonsense since he was elected as the American cultural right doubles down on fantasies and lies....

Is this situation ever going to improve? I just don't know.

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